

Georgia has earned its reputation as a pre-eminent commercial center with an innovative, dynamic and entrepreneurial business culture. Strategically located at the crossroads of trade and commerce between East and West, Georgia is ideally positioned to access markets of Asia and the Middle East, as well as Europe and the CIS countries. Moreover, its time zone allows Georgia to connect to markets of the Far East and the Western Hemisphere with equal convenience. To leverage this advantage and address growing international demand, the country is developing a world-class communications infrastructure.

Politically stable with a functioning democracy, Georgia has a forward-looking, responsive government with a progressive, pro-business attitude and a strong commitment to the private sector. Business-friendly regulations, a favorable tax and customs framework have played a key role in attracting business investment from all over the world in almost every sphere of economic activity in the country. Strong economic indicators and a relatively low-cost work environment have contributed to its rapid development and prosperity. A modern, safe, multi-cultural place with state-of-the-art medical, education, entertainment, shopping and sports facilities that ensure a high quality of life, Georgia is the location of choice for modern professionals and an ideal location for multinationals to establish a regional presence.

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